Travel preparations

I started writing this a few days ago, on my roof watching the sunset. Than I did a very inconvenient select all, accidentally press delete and wordpress autosave ( I’m sure it happened to many of you). So now I’m sitting in my room on a yoga mat surrounded by boxes and trying to finish what I started .
Its a bit more than 2 weeks and I will board a plane to Mexico to start my travels. If I would have a pound coin for every person who said “you are so brave” my travel funds would be sorted. I personally think everybody is brave who follows their chosen path and dare to do what they love, it doesn’t necessarily has to include a one way ticket to another continent.
But here I am, my life as I know it slowly disappears into boxes and I will start something new. I’m not gonna lie, this comes with a good amount of anxiety and fear, and it’s only natural.
Also the past few months was draining physically, mentally and emotionally. I feel like I’m Super Mario and I have the skills to jump to the next level but my energy is running low.

F099214D-3E53-4E5F-92E4-02DC1409B8D1So now I’m aiming for gold coins and Magic Mushrooms to gain my strength back and have the ability to do what I planned to do.
And these can be found in moments I spend with people I like, in activities I enjoy, places I appreciate.
I spent a week in Hungary, started in my hometown, revisited places of my uni years and just enjoyed being around my friends and family. This always comes with a strange mixture of familiar and non-familiar vibes as I don’t belong there anymore, I changed, the city changed, but there’s still a connection. I am an observer of my young(er) self taking her steps around town, memories spring up every corner. And all the fun with friends, silly selfies or just hanging out in the garden, playing with the animals ( I miss them so much!) .


Gold coins all the way.
I made my way to Budapest before I flew back as half of my friend circle live there. I am lucky to have some of people in my life here and there who are my friends regardless of distance or time spent apart. They are the ones you can pick up a conversation that you left many months ago with no awkwardness. That makes me feel happy as I know that wherever I go, they will be there for me. So a few more days with them and their kids, wacky races on the playground and pretending to be a tourist, singing songs to the newest baby , watching her falling asleep( self defence I suppose) creating memories , soaking everything in. The beautiful streets of Budapest, hearing chatter in my own language, travelling on trams and on the kisföldalatti ( my favourite).


And than taking a late night flight , delays and my grumpy sleepy self was back in London, facing some days of work and an overwhelming amount of travel preparation, including dismantling my living space and do some last minute research and in the midst of this dealing with goodbyes and an emotional rollercoaster.

Small steps as they always say, a to do list where every tick makes you feel you’ve done something, but most importantly leaving time for myself, and keep collecting my Magic Mushrooms and gold coins, creating memories with important people in my life and opening myself up to the upcoming adventure, the biggest in my life so far.
Will be back to tell you more…

2 thoughts on “Travel preparations

  1. Wishing u all the very best you can do this. Please keep in touch xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lots of love Maxine, I will do! Xxx


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