
I was always reluctant to try yoga because I thought I’m not flexible or thin etc. enough and I also believed that it is very boring (I was a fencing-running-very active type of girl). Then around 9 years ago a knee injury stopped me from running, a friend took me to a class and it all changed 😊.  I discovered yoga, I realised how exciting this world was and that there’s so much more to yoga than asanas. My yoga journey changed the perception of myself and others, healed injuries and helped me to gain new skills and strength physically, mentally and spiritually. An important part of this journey was my yoga teacher training in Goa,India with Trimurti yoga ( ❤️) where I certified as a multi-style yoga teacher. Ever since then I have been teaching in different parts of the world.

As a yoga teacher I would like to share this beautiful practice with people and help them find their own yoga path, regardless of age, gender, experience or physical ability!

I truly believe that yoga is for everybody.

See you on the mat!

Namaste 🙏🏽

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